Friday, June 25, 2021

Just an Idea

 Home girl gets high and starts tripping. Starts blacking in and out. Looks down and sees that she’s miraculously pregnant. Calls her friend over cause she doesn’t know what to do. Friend comes over and turns into some angel nurse and delivers the baby. Rando demon shows up and snatches the baby. Main girl blacks out. Next day she tells her friend about a crazy dream she had, and her friend tells her that it might not have been a dream after all. They scratch their heads confused. Several days later a nineteen year old boy shows up saying main girls his mother, and tells her that he’s been living in hell, and he just got released. DA! DA! DAAAA!

Just an Idea

  Home girl gets high and starts tripping. Starts blacking in and out. Looks down and sees that she’s miraculously pregnant. Calls her frie...